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Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Top 5 Favorite Movies.

In my life, I have probably seen over 250 movies, which isn't too much if you really think about it. But out of all of them, I have only five favorites that I can watch over and over again.

#5. 13 Ghosts
This is my last favorite of the five. I like it because it has a good theme, and a great story, but I like it mainly because of the 13 ghosts. The ghosts in this movie are simply amazing. Each one of them has a background story, and whether the stories are true or not, they're pretty crazy. The characters themselves though, have a very chilling way about them, maybe it's the way that they cary their head around in a plastic bag or have long, thick nails hammered into their body.

#4. Diary of the Dead
I've seen this movie maybe ten times and I can't get enough of it still. It's the most unique, and extraordinary zombie movie I've seen, simply because it's filmed throgh one video camera that the main character caries around everywhere. Sometimes it really makes you feel as if the footage that you're watching has actually been recorded, that's how good the movie is. George A. Romero is a madman when it comes to zombie movies.

#3. the SAW series
There's two particular sides to the SAW series, either you love it or you don't. Those who don't tend to feel as though the movie is nothing more than filth and it has an exteme obscenity which no one in their right minds should enjoy watching. But those who love it think oppositely, because they understand the message of the movie. Human life is precious, and of course, maybe not everyone can agree on the torture in this movie, but it's an amazement to see how much pain a person can take before they die, or how much pain they're willing to take to survive, and to me, that's what makes the movie beautiful, because it really opens your eyes to life and how easily it could be taken away from you, but also how difficult it is to give it up.

#2. Donnie Darko
I could watch this movie three times a day and not be bored of it at all. The reason why I love it so much, is because it doesn't really have much of a theme to it, but it has a spectacular story line that sometimes takes a while to understand, but once you do understand it then it really makes you think. The movie is particularly based on time travel, and it goes through this fantastic loop that makes you say "Wow". It's a really pretty, well made film.

#1. Sleepy Hollow
Finally, my number one. Sleepy Hollow has been my favorite movie since I was about six or seven years old. I've seen it more than any other movie (excluding the Harry Potter series) and I have always loved watching it again and again. Tim Burton is by far my favorite director of all time, and I have always adored each and every movie he has ever made, even his short animations before he got famous, but Sleepy Hollow will always be my most favorite of all his creations. It's a really cute movie about an old legend "The headless Horseman". It has a very beautiful, old theme to it where all the ladies dress up in these exquisite ball room gowns all the time and of course, the lead character is Johnny Depp who's always been my favorite actor.

Over time, I've seen other amazing films that make me wonder if they could ever replace my top 5, naturally some of them have, but no movies will ever replace my top two, those will always be the most important movies to me, simply because they are one of a kind.


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